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               A piece of heaven which fall to Earth, this sentence accurately describes the gulf of Tomini. A place filled with the magic of nature and full of amazing sea creatures. Gulf of Tomini is located in the province of Gorontalo, Sulawesi, Indonesia. One of the biggest and most beautiful sea tourism object in indonesia. It is famous because of it’s underwater beauty, It’s like a heaven for divers. The gulf of Tomini has around 460 small islands known as Togean islands. There are 8 islands which is the biggest, it’s Una-Una island, Batulada island, Togean island dan Talatakoh island, Waleakodi island dan Waleabahi island. There are also seagrass and mangroves. There are also around 819 species of reef fish in the gulf of Tomini.











               The university of Tokyo did a research and said that a few species of eel migrate to the gulf of Tomini and used at as a nursing ground for them to to reproduce. Jacques Costeau , a naval officer and a sea explorer, enthrone the Togean island’s marine national park as “the heart of the coral triangle”. In 2003, Ms. Megawati, the president of Indonesia make gulf of Tomini as the gate of Mina Bahari. The gulf of Tomini is so beautiful and exotic it attracts so many foreigners.


               But, Indonesia itself underappreciated gulf of Tomini. Gulf of Tomini hasn’t been used to it’s full potential in tourism object. Many corals are damaged because of irresponsible fishermen. This irresponsible way to use nature is done around 7 times a day, and it has been happening since 1990s. A research had been done and found that a small explosive with 150 ml gasoline can destroy 2 - 3 metres square of corals. Imagine it happens 7 times a day and it has been being done for 16 years. It also affect the income of other fishermen who use traditional way of fishing. Many fishermen said that they got fewer fish than they used to get.  We hope from this website we can increase the awareness that Tomini bay needs more attention from the government because Tomini bay is one of the best asset that Indonesia has. We believe that if gulf of Tomini is used to it’s full potential, it will make Indonesia’s tourism to be more enthused.

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